As the cover of the month, I have chosen this time a beautiful set letter from 1930. The letter was sent on 29.10.1930 from Triesen (FL) to Amsterdam. The registered letter is franked with the set of postage stamps from 1930 (designed by Hermann Clemens Kosel).
Although registered, I assume that it was nevertheless overstamped and a courtesy for the recipient – a stamp dealer in Amsterdam. I am also puzzled by the number 3486 stamped in the middle of the letter. Perhaps an experienced Liechtenstein collector can help me further…..
The stamps of this in my eyes beautiful set were not all issued at the same time but appeared in the period of 1.7. – 10.9.1930 (see attached table) in different edition sizes. Another peculiarity of this set is that individual stamps can be very expensive depending on their perforation. For example, the 35 Rp stamp mint with a different perforation is shown at 17,000€ in the ANK (2014) instead of 40€.
But this is not necessarily the most important thing: From my experience, I can say, if you know this set of postage stamps of Liechtenstein, you know nearly all important architectural and scenic highlights of Liechtenstein. With stamps, you get to know the world……