This first day cover from 7.4.1941 is a registered letter sent by express courier. This letter was cancelled in Vaduz with a bridge postmark – Swiss-type with hours. This stamp bears two stars to the right and left of the bridge, which is 9.3 mm high. Liechtenstein is written in brackets at the bottom. This stamp was used from 1.9.1928 – 31.12.1959.
The affixed stamps are the “Promotion of domestic agricultural products” set. The 10 centime stamp is dedicated to the maize harvest (print run 173,394), the 20 centime stamp to the grape harvest (depiction of a wine press; print run 141,443), the 30 centime stamp to scything (sharpening the scythe; print run 113,903), and the 50 centime stamp to livestock farming (maid with cow; print run 103,795). The 90 centime stamp depicts a girl in a country costume (print run 102,118). They were designed by Carl August Liner and printed by the Courvoisier company using halftone intaglio printing on counter sheets of 5×5 stamps. The perforation corresponds to a value of 113/4. The stamps were valid for less than a year – until 31.12.1941.
If I am not mistaken, there is another special feature on this letter – a plate error. On the 90 centime stamp, the name of the designer C. Liner is printed incompletely at bottom left (red arrow in bottom right stamp). This was the case for a partial issue in field 21 of a counter sheet.