Below you will find a variety of different philatelistic items. First of all, of course, you ask yourself, what could I use them for? Since we also have thematic experts among us, we wanted to prepare them for you with reference to the theme. All you have to do is click on the red heading above the document. This will open a file with the description of the document. This contains background information on the subject of the document, which could be the subject of an exhibit with the respective document. Sometimes you will wonder if the connections between the document and the theme are not very far-fetched, sometimes they are more obvious. But it is up to you how far you go in this respect – possibly in your own exhibit. In any case, it is a lot of fun for us to let our imagination run wild for some of the connections between the document and the subject.
002 – General Patton
003 – Twelve Days of Christmas
004 – YouTube videos as a source for thematic philately?