Here we tell little stories about various individual documents. First of all, of course, you ask yourself, what could I use them for? This is noted in the corresponding PDF. The PDF can also be downloaded – if the font here on the homepage is too small. You just have to click on the red headline. This will open the file with the description of the document. The PDF contains background information on the subject of the cover, which could be addressed in an exhibit with that particular cover (be it Thematic, Open Philately, or Social Philately). Sometimes you may wonder if the connections between cover and theme are far-fetched, sometimes they are more obvious. But how far you go in this respect – possibly in your own exhibit – is up to you. In any case, it is a lot of fun for us to let our imagination run wild for some connections between the cover and the subject. Among the documents you will also find feedback – additions to the topic – that we have received from readers.
032 – History of the Royal Saxon State Sanatorium and Nursing Home
032 - Heil- und Pflegeanstalt Arnsdorf in Sachsen-engl
033 – Do you want a dog?
033 - Hundesteuer-engl