Here, we share short stories revolving around various individual postal items. The PDF provides background information on the theme of the postal item, which could be addressed in an exhibit featuring the respective piece (be it thematic, open philately, or social philately). At times, you might wonder if the connections between the item and the theme are rather far-fetched, while at other times, they may be more obvious. Ultimately, how far you wish to explore these connections—potentially in your own exhibit—is entirely up to you. For us, it’s always a great pleasure to let our imagination wander when finding links between the item and its theme.
Today, we share a story inspired by a Swiss local letter from 1958, franked with Pro Juventute charity stamps. This letter was adorned with the Christmas rose, a symbol particularly fitting for the holiday season. We explore its history, its medical applications, and also present the latest Pro Juventute stamps from 2024.
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080 - Die christrose-englisch